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The Challenge of Grade 5 to Grade 6

Student s03203

2020 has been a very interesting and eventful year, but it was also a terrible year for many people. There were COVID-19, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle quit the royal family, there were bushfires in Australia, and floods in Vietnam caused many horrible events. But personally, it was quite challenging for me to move from grade 5 to 6.

Hello, my name is Andy and I have been in Ishcmc for 7 years. I believe that this was the hardest year of my life, moving from grade 5 to grade 6. A huge burden was shoved onto my back. In grade 6, there are many tests including the map test and summative for every subject in each unit. In grade 5 we wouldn’t have many tests except for the map test because we would reflect a lot and had some free time to ourselves. But on the bright side, you learn to take responsibility for your actions and be much more independent. Learning is also longer extended by 30 minutes, this helps the learners focus and receive more knowledge. On the other hand, there were also other subjects like science or drama. But having supervised study would help us manage our time better for homework. Furthermore, I believe climbing the stairs every single day with your heavy backpack was very challenging. Sure you may think this is great exercise but this also means as a swimmer you get extra tired because you swim 1 hour and 10 minutes plus the stairs and carrying things. Moreover, as a grade 6, you would feel traumatized like starting the youngest class again starting new after you graduated primary. This was a huge leap of faith but using all my courage and my power I helped myself regain my confidence to learn in a new school starting fresh and surprisingly I was able to do a lot of assessments with barely any stress.

I believe the best tip for secondary school is to embrace the fear not let it traumatize you and think about it every night to get yourself organized and ready. Get ready for anything with your friends when coming to secondary. It is a life-changing difference


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