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Why 2020 wasn't all bad?

Writer: Minh NguyenMinh Nguyen

The year 2020 has been marked as one of the most chaotic and disruptive years ever with numerous global crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic, Beirut explosion, Australian bush fire, floods across Asia, BLM protests, etc.

Photo by Artem Podrez on

While this year was a roller coaster with major upheavals for everyone, looking on the brighter side, this year wasn’t a complete total disaster. It’s being observed that nations across the globe were taking further steps in improving and making some pragmatic approaches to prevent drastic Global Climate Change [2], a critical issue that we aimed to fight against for the past decades.

According to [3], since the governments across the world were implementing ‘staying home orders’ and protocols to prevent the rapid spread of the covid-19, this had surprisingly led to a decrease of carbon emission by 17% compared to the average recorded carbon level in 2019. This hinted that the citizens’ confinement policy amid this pandemic is reducing the overall level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, as the means to contribute to the solutions of ceasing our trend of global warming.

Amazingly, it is also recorded that the subtle increase in active traveling methods (cycling, walking, etc.) during the social distancing policy also supported the planet by cutting down the carbon levels in the environment, forming new habits for individuals that could potentially stop global warming from perpetually causing irreversible damage.

From a political standpoint, November 3rd 2020 was a momentary date for the U.S as the presidential election came to a confirmation from the electoral college that Joe Biden held the victory in this 59th presidential election. According to The Guardian [4], one of Biden’s first moves in his days of presidency includes his decision to rejoin the Paris Agreement [5], an agreement where developed countries are committed to limit their carbon emission to a relatively safe level that could help the global civilizations to deal with the impacts of harsh weather lies ahead.

“We’ll elevate the incredible work cities, states and businesses have been doing to help reduce emissions and build a cleaner future. We’ll listen to and engage closely with the activists, including young people, who have continued to sound the alarm and demand change from those in power.” – Biden stated.

To elaborate on Biden’s vision of providing the people with more freedom of speech and encourage young activists to take actions via social media from the rising popularity of media usages, many influencers Jose Cabello, Molly Cantrell, and Ambika Rajyagor [6] have all contributed to spreading awareness of environmental issues (nature, social justices, climate change) through there innovative and motivational posts on Instagram. From our modern generation, where technologies play a huge role in influencing individuals’ mindset and knowledge, these activists were wise enough to take full advantage of these opportunities and make possible changes in the midst of the environmental disasters that are happening across the world.

Photo by zhang kaiyv on

More good news has yet to come. According to China’s president Xi Jinping’s speech to the UN General Assembly, he has declared that China will aim to achieve carbon neutrality – balanced net zero carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere- in 2060 in order to make our planet a better, sustainable place for all its citizens.

China is a nation that is known for its major carbon emissions which contribute to the overall level of carbon from its infrastructure that heavily relies on fossil fuels and coals [7]. This statement from the Chinese government of applying stricter regulations on the country’s carbon emission is vital in helping the national level of carbon to decline, indicating a future of a better planet with fresher air to support our health and well-being.

Looking back at the year 2020 with optimistic information about positive steps taken to reduce global warming across the world is a great way to start 2021, a year in which we would hopefully witness the unity amongst humanity and the adaptations to new changes that will make our world a better and a more preferable place to live in.


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